"Unlasting the four punks of The Omnipresent Disease are releasing their first real debut output in these days. We had the great demo and the admirable split-7" with Alarmstufe Gerd and now The OPD is back with a bunch of songs and what should I say... I really expected a real good hc-punk record, but the Dressed Like You 10" exceeds all my expectations by far. And I'm really happy for the four OPD-guys to release such a pissed and mangy record. Dressed Like You is a dirty and disowned cur, seeking for hideous revenge, ahungered, cornered but ready for anything. I don't want to overpraise something, but it's my very personal opinion, that The OPD belongs to the precious few hc-punk-bands, that typify what punk really means to me."
01 D.I.Why.
02 Human Suit
03 Concrete Boredom
04 Burn Down
05 Waste Product
06 Re:No Subject
07 Competitions
08 Money Man
09 Schema S
10 Dorf Nazis Must Die (Chainbreaker)
[Bitrate: 320 KBit/s]
[Größe: 36 MB]
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